Friday, December 15, 2006

The Message of Christmas

The message of Christmas is one of love, peace and joy. It is one of my favorite times of the year! It is a time when people begin to concentrate more on their family and reflect upon the blessing of family. The one word I use to describe Christmas is Love.

The savior of the world was delivered to humanity in an old barn among farm creatures. The King of Kings the Son of God was born in a barn! The incarnate God, the God who spoke this universe into existence, the God who loves you and me so much was born in the most destitute of places. We can not help but ask why? There is only one explanation and it is love. God loved us so much that He sent His most precious gift to humanity wrapped in swaddling clothes among farm animals simply out of love.

We all know how much of a fuss people make over babies. Everyone wants to look at the baby and make funny faces and talk about how cute they are. I have often wondered as people looked at the baby Jesus if they realized the face they were gazing upon was the face of the Savior of humanity. Did they realize that this cute, innocent, sweet baby would save the world from their sins? This reminds me of the Christmas song, "Mary Did You Know". One line from the lyrics says, "Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod? When you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God!" Imagine every kiss by Mary and Joseph was on the face of God.

So as we all gather for our Christmas celebrations, let us not forget that the true meaning of Christmas is love. The love God gave to humanity in a stable among farm animals wrapped in swaddling clothes. Have a Merry Christmas for Jesus is truly the reason for the season!

Remember freedom only comes through Jesus Christ!

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